Grand Rapids

ArtPrize piece catches fire in Cathedral Square

by (John Eisenschenk)

Submitted 09-15-2009 under NEWS

(Video) Michael Glenn Monroe was welding his The Sharing Tree (fondly known as "Woody") Project for ArtPrize at the Cathedral Square near the Catholic Central High School when the tree caught fire around 6 p.m. on Sunday, September 13, 2009. See his...

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Creative Class Agitprop

by (markrumsey)

Submitted 09-14-2009 under OPINION

They have been yelling it from the mountains for a few years now, that the Creative Class will dominate the New Economy. Richard Florida crafted this argument through demographics and statistics and it reached the ears of politicos and...

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Everyday Profiles: John R. Ziemann, Community Education Organizer to Photographer

by (Cindy Bouma)

Submitted 09-14-2009 under LOCAL LIFE

John Ziemann was living in Tucson, AZ in 1995 when he was presented with a dilemma. Work was no longer enjoyable and he was facing a downsizing from a career he loved and that had defined much of his adult life. It was then a friend mentioned that...

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Love thy Rapidian

by (Molz Photography)

Submitted 09-14-2009 under OPINION

Love Thy Rapidian - Love Thy Neighbor, they basically mean the same thing. Your neighbor is your fellow Rapidian. Not always necessarily those which live within the same proximity of each other, but those you pass each day while rushing to work,...

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