Herschell Turner Fine Art - Pastels and Mixed Media
by (DominicanCenter...)
Submitted 01-02-2013 under NONPROFITS
Artist Herschell C. Turner is a Renaissance man whose life has mirrored the eclectic images in his works of fine art. Throughout his works, one can find the African American experience, which is also the Herschell Turner experience. ...Arts In Motion Studio's Chair Affair 2012 Auction Event: A Fun, Unique Experience
by (ArtsInMotionStudios)
Submitted 09-11-2012 under NONPROFITS
For the second year in a row, Arts In Motion Studios, a creative arts school for individuals, is hosting Chair Affair. Chair Affair is an auction event which will feature over 25 uniquely hand painted chairs by artists from all over Michigan. The...Active Commute Week kicks off in Grand Rapids
by (shannoncunningham)
Submitted 05-14-2012 under NEWS
Monday, May 14 kicks off Active Commute Week here in metro Grand Rapids. Held to encourage active transportation use, the week will feature various events, workshops and the Active Commute Week Challenge. From May 14 through Friday, May 18,...Catalyst Radio: Meet citizen journalism reporter Rob Cole
by (Catalyst Radio)
Submitted 01-27-2012 under NEWS
Don't have time to listen now? Download the mp3 and listen at your leisure. INTERVIEW This episode of Catalyst Radio features one of the citizen journalism reporters publishing on our news site, The Rapidian. With more than a dozen...NPO Showcase features Dominican Center at Marywood
by (DominicanCenter...)
Submitted 09-20-2011 under NONPROFITS
Barbara Hansen, OP, of Grand Rapids Community Media Center interviews Mary Vaccaro, Dominican Center at Marywood Director, about the purpose of the center. The Dominican Center offers a number of opportunities for people of all faiths and...Where should The Rapidian see and be seen this summer?
by (dennetmint)
Submitted 03-22-2011 under OPINION
It's a little gray right now, but March is going out like a lamb. It is spring, and the season for festivals and street fairs is nigh. Rapidian readers, we'd like to see and be seen. Yes, we're having our social this Thursday (plug - 5:...Wonderfully-full
by (jennschaub)
Submitted 08-05-2010 under LOCAL LIFE
Ola! This weekend feels very mid summer…. School is creeping up but there is still time to get some fantastic lake and event time in before the season is kaput (or before Artprize begins!) Here are a few suggestions to make your weekend wonderfully-...On the Cheap!
by (jennschaub)
Submitted 01-27-2010 under OPINION
I know this time of year can be tight SO this weekend there are a bunch of SUPER cheap options (mostly 6$ and under!) and a whole bunch of freebies! If you are going to splurge I suggest the Ballet, normally maybe not for everyone, but their Chaplin...Luisa Schumacher named 2009 ATHENA Young Professional Award recipient
by (GRACC)
Submitted 09-25-2009 under NONPROFITS
Grand Rapids - West Michigan Center for Arts and Technology (WMCAT) executive director Luisa Schumacher was awarded the 2009 ATHENA® Young Professional Award by the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce at the 20th Annual ATHENA Award Celebration...