Junior Achievement Girls' Dream Fair looks to inspire hundreds of middle schoolers
by (juniorachievementmgl)
Submitted 01-30-2018 under NONPROFITS
We have a growing nationwide STEM gender gap. Consider the following There has been a steep decline in the number of female graduates with computer science degrees over the past three decades. National surveys find that nearly two-thirds of...City Manager forum only opportunity for residents to meet candidates
by (Russell Olmsted)
Submitted 01-30-2018 under OPINION
Current City Manager Greg Sundstrom will officially retire in February following 8 years on the job and over three decades working for the city of Grand Rapids. This will mark only the second time in the last 30 years the city has hired a new..."World of Winter" aims to entice Grand Rapids residents downtown with cold weather events
by (dylangrosser)
Submitted 01-29-2018 under NEWS
Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. is preparing to put on the first ever “World of Winter” festival, that aims to celebrate the cold climate of Michigan by hosting a slew of winter-based events in downtown Grand Rapids. The eight day...Enjoy family fun during Snowflake Break at Grand Rapids Public Museum
by (Grand Rapids Pu...)
Submitted 12-19-2017 under NONPROFITS
The Grand Rapids Public Museum is once again hosting family-friendly fun over this year’s holiday break! From December 23 through January 7, the GRPM will celebrate Snowflake Break with additional hands on activities, all included with...Concerts Under the Stars returns to Grand Rapids Public Museum's Chaffee Planetarium
by (Grand Rapids Pu...)
Submitted 12-12-2017 under NONPROFITS
The Grand Rapids Public Museum announced today that Concerts Under the Stars will return for a second year, with an additional show in 2018. Concert-goers will enjoy a fully immersive audio and visual experience. Live concerts begin on January 18,...Eastown invites Grand Rapids to celebrate annual Bizarre Bazaar
by (Eastown Communi...)
Submitted 06-20-2017 under NONPROFITS
The Eastown Community and Eastown Business Associations are hosting their annual Bizarre Bazaar, an incomparable event in the Eastown community. This year’s event will be held on Wealthy Street, in Eastown on June 24, 2017 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m....Opera Grand Rapids' "The Barber of Seville" features Met Opera lead
by (Opera Grand Rapids)
Submitted 05-09-2017 under NONPROFITS
As Italian opera’s comic genius and the leading opera composer of the first half of the 19th century, Gioachino Rossini was nicknamed “The Italian Mozart” for good reason. Between 1808 and 1829, Rossini composed no fewer than...Speaker from U.S. Institute of Peace discusses achieving peace in conflicted world
by (World Affairs C...)
Submitted 04-10-2017 under NONPROFITS
“What role can everyday people, especially young people, play in building peace in our world?” Ann-Louise Colgan, Director of public education, United States Institute of Peace (USIP), answers that question in a public talk on...Ride The Rapid to sip local during Cocktail Week GR
by (TheRapid)
Submitted 11-09-2016 under NEWS
Move over craft beer. It’s the craft cocktail’s time to shine. If you’re looking for an excuse to discover all Grand Rapids has to offer in terms of craft cocktails and spirits, Cocktail Week GR is for you. From November 9 - 20,...Holland Walking Tour: Fire Walk of 1871
by (834design)
Submitted 06-10-2015 under
This tour will take you through parts of Downtown Holland and the Historic District affected by the Great Fire of 1871. See how the residents of Holland survived and rebuilt the community. This history walking tour is brought to you through...