Ethics and Religion Talk

Ethics and Religion Talk: my final reflections

by (Rabbi David J.B...)

Submitted 07-15-2024 under OPINION

With a measure of sadness, I sit down to write this final Ethics and Religion Talk column. The column was born as a result of my response to an anonymous person who left an Easter egg in the driveway of two Jewish institutions, including my own,...

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Ethics and Religion Talk: Final thoughts and reflections

by (Rabbi David J.B...)

Submitted 07-08-2024 under OPINION

This week we begin to say goodbye to the Ethics and Religion Talk column as two of our panelists and one former panelist reflect back on their years.  How has being a columnist for Ethics and Religion Talk affected you personally or...

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Ethics and Religion Talk: What kind of counseling do you do?

by (Rabbi David J.B...)

Submitted 07-01-2024 under OPINION

I assume that if you are clergy, part of your job is personal counseling. Have you ever engaged in spiritual direction/advising with someone of a different religion? Would that even work? Would you insist that they seek out such services within...

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Ethics and Religion Talk: Is a belief in an afterlife required in your faith?

by (Rabbi David J.B...)

Submitted 06-24-2024 under OPINION

As a Protestant who has attended many churches of various denominations, I have noticed that the idea of an afterlife is so very important to some communities, while in others it is virtually never mentioned in sermons other than at funerals. I'...

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Ethics and Religion Talk: What do visitors to your place of worship need to know?

by (Rabbi David J.B...)

Submitted 06-17-2024 under OPINION

Linda Knieriemen, a retired pastor of the Presbyterian Church (USA), responds: Visitors and non-members are permitted to participate in every way, including participating in the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. Even for the questioner, the...

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Ethics and Religion Talk: Does your faith depend on an afterlife?

by (Rabbi David J.B...)

Submitted 06-10-2024 under OPINION

The Rev. Sandra Nikkel, head pastor of Conklin Reformed Church, responds: I would serve God and love Him even if there was no heaven. Knowing Him has made me the person who I am today. He has healed my heart and His love has transformed my life. I...

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Ethics and Religion Talk: As you've aged, have you grown more hopeful or more cynical?

by (Rabbi David J.B...)

Submitted 06-03-2024 under OPINION

Linda Knieriemen, a retired pastor of the Presbyterian Church (USA), responds: I served for 30 years as a pastor and am grateful that my age and circumstances allowed me to retire three years ago at age 65. I feel less optimistic but more hopeful....

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Ethics and Religion Talk: How does your tradition understand the role of autonomy in medical care?

by (Rabbi David J.B...)

Submitted 05-28-2024 under OPINION

What is the role of autonomy in medical care? Do your religious beliefs allow you to refuse simple medical procedures (i.e., dental care, skin biopsies, colonoscopies), even though such refusal might lead to major medical problems or death? What...

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Ethics and Religion Talk: Have you had family members convert out of your faith?

by (Rabbi David J.B...)

Submitted 05-21-2024 under OPINION

Rev. Ray Lanning, a retired minister of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, responds: My experience of such situations is limited. One daughter married a member of the Serbian Orthodox Church. In most years, we celebrate Christmas and...

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Ethics and Religion Talk: Give me your best elevator pitch for your religion!

by (Rabbi David J.B...)

Submitted 05-13-2024 under OPINION

Linda Knieriemen, a retired pastor of the Presbyterian Church (USA), responds: One the years my ‘statement of faith’ has condensed from several pages to four words: Love God. Love Neighbor. The elevator door has barely closed so I will...

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