climate justice
The Climate Is Always on the Ballot
by (GRClimate)
Submitted 10-30-2024 under NONPROFITS
By Cristina Stob With federal, state, and local elections happening now, it is of utmost importance to keep a clear eye on the future when voting. National voting polls consistently find that the economy is ranked as a very...Concerned residents want Grand Rapids to deliver on climate goals
by (GRClimate)
Submitted 10-11-2024 under NONPROFITS
By Cristina Stob As a midwesterner, I have spent many long gray days in February and March wishing for warmer weather. Toes numbed to a deep purple and fingertips a ghostly white, I dreamt of being able to afford a Floridian escape...Young evangelicals celebrate release of climate conversation videos
by (worldrenew)
Submitted 04-07-2015 under NONPROFITS
That quote is from a new video and study guide on climate change that has broad application in faith circles—and not one that Americans expect from mainstream Protestants. The resource was launched yesterday, April 6, 2015, on the Climate...GVSU’s Change U to focus on collective climate justice
by (Yeldellc)
Submitted 04-06-2015 under NEWS
According to the West Michigan Environmental Action Council’s (WMEAC) Climate Resiliency Report, underserved, low-income and minority population areas will be disproportionately affected by climate change in Grand Rapids. Change...