civic investor series

Meet civic investor Erica VanEe: Investing in a place at the table

by (Holly)

Submitted 04-15-2014 under NONPROFITS

Erica Curry VanEe spent her early childhood moving from home to home, and it wasn’t until more recently that she developed a true sense of “place.”  “I was adopted so I moved around 10 times before I was even 10 years...

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Meet civic investor Tami VandenBerg: Investing in the other

by (Holly)

Submitted 04-14-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

Tami VandenBerg, executive director of Well House, went to church one Sunday morning at age 5, heard a missionary tell about the conditions people in Africa were living in and saw the pictures he had to share of the work he was doing. Her mother...

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