
City Street Named in Honor of Late NBA Journalist, Grand Rapids Native Sekou Smith

by (Justin Mills)

Submitted 12-12-2023 under NEWS

Residents of Grand Rapids will find a new area of Auburn Avenue SE, from Wealthy Street to Lake Drive, renamed to honor the late NBA journalist and Grand Rapids native Sekou Smith. An analyst on NBA TV and active writer on, Sekou Smith...

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City Connection: Kelsey Perdue, Third Ward Commissioner, to Join Phil Tower in the GRTV Studio

by (GRTV)

Submitted 05-01-2023 under NONPROFITS

On Monday, May 1, Commissioner Kelsey Perdue (of GR's Third Ward) will be in the GRTV studio for the May episode of City Connection. Phil Tower, Station Director of WYCE, will be standing in for Starla McDermott as host of...

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Census count in full swing with rising Grand Rapids turnout

by (Brett)

Submitted 05-26-2020 under LOCAL LIFE

Three months into the once-a-decade effort to get American residents counted, Grand Rapids turnout is beating the national average and on track to beat its own final turnout 10 years before. “66 percent of Grand Rapids households already have...

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Afoot: Hymns and Donuts

by (awpattullo)

Submitted 05-04-2019 under LOCAL LIFE

Greetings— I noticed a sign reading "Don't Worry, Customers Please Enter" on the door of a Midtown pastry shop.  After ordering a dozen donuts for co-workers, I asked the counter clerk why they had to encourage customers to...

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by (awpattullo)

Submitted 04-22-2019 under LOCAL LIFE

An important goal of the Rapidian is to connect the people of Grand Rapids.  Not only do we get to hear what other people are up to, we get to hear it in their own voices.  Today the site launches a new column that takes this idea in a...

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The Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts Offers Affected Federal Employees and Contractors Free Gallery Admission During Shutdown

by (KCAD)

Submitted 01-23-2019 under NONPROFITS

This week, the Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts (UICA) announced it is offering free gallery admission for federal employees and contractors affected by the partial government shutdown. Excepted, Non-Excepted/furloughed, and contract employees...

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Connecting Our Stories, Connecting Our Power: Grand Rapids previews 2019 neighborhood summit

by (MaverickLaw)

Submitted 10-23-2018 under PLACE-MATTERS

Reclaiming narratives is essential in healing generations of systemic oppression and shared trauma. Sharing our stories not only builds unity and power; it also allows us to co-create community. Imagine relocating to a community where residents,...

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City commission meeting discusses commissioner vacancy, hears public comments on city fees

by (Elizabeth Roger...)

Submitted 05-25-2018 under NEWS

The Tuesday, May 22, 2018 Grand Rapids City Commission meeting had a lot of conversation about how to fill the third ward’s vacant seat due to Commissioner David Allen stepping down June 12, 2018.   The four public hearings, especially...

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Support local farmers while adding fresh vegetables to your diet

by (jproth1)

Submitted 04-10-2018 under PLACE-MATTERS

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a distinctive model to support diversified, small scaled vegetable growers. The idea is that people buy into a share of the farm at the beginning of the season. Instead of money dividends, your dividends are...

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Honoring the legacy of César Chávez

by (jproth1)

Submitted 03-19-2018 under NEWS

The legacy of César Chávez was honored Thursday, March 15, 2018 as residents and community leaders gathered at the Cook Library Center, 1100 Grandville Ave SW and marched to Potter House Chapel for a community gathering for the18th annual César E....

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