
Life in a Refugee Camp: From Bhutan to the United States by Posta Dangal

by (LiteracyCenter)

Submitted 12-08-2016 under NONPROFITS

I am Posta. I was born in the country of Bhutan in a small village in Surey. I grew up in Surey. My father passed away when I was one year old. We have five family members in our house. After my father passed away, all the responsibilities were...

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Area refugees work to overcome cultural barriers, challenges

by (Elizabeth Roger...)

Submitted 12-01-2015 under LOCAL LIFE

The West Michigan Education and Cultural Center (WMRECC) in Kentwood (2130 Enterprise Street) serves hundreds of refugees a year in the greater Grand Rapids area. Michigan is often among the top 10 states in the United States to accept...

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Refugees connect and contribute to the community through Rhododendron Crafts

by (lindsmcholme)

Submitted 03-04-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Jessica Ennis met Bhutanese-Nepali refugees Dik Bir and Dil Maya Powdyel about a year ago through the New Neighbor Program at Bethany Christian Services, where she volunteers as an AmeriCorps Vista member. The first time she visited the Powdyels’...

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