American Red Cross of Greater Grand Rapids

We are all connected: ArtPrize artist, Red Cross explore "This Enigmatic World"

by (RedCrossGGR)

Submitted 10-01-2014 under NONPROFITS

On Christmas Eve morning last year, Alla Dickson went outside her rural Holland home to get some early morning work done in her art studio. As she was enjoying her coffee and the bright morning sun, she noticed a trickle of smoke trailing...

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American Red Cross volunteers & donors honored in "Sweet Celebration"

by (RedCrossGGR)

Submitted 06-04-2014 under NEWS

Last Thursday, the American Red Cross of Greater Grand Rapids chapter held an ice cream social to celebrate the contributions of its most active volunteers and blood donors. The “Sweet Celebration," attended by board members, volunteers,...

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SBV of the Week: American Red Cross Health and Safety Instructor

by (Heart of West M...)

Submitted 06-16-2011 under NONPROFITS

Each week the Volunteer Center highlights a compelling skills-based volunteer (SBV) opportunity found on our Volunteer Solutions website. This week's SBV opportunity comes from The American Red Cross of Greater Grand Rapids: Put your skills as a...

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