88.1 fm
Catalyst Radio: SouthSide Theater Company puts on "Angels In America"
by (Catalyst Radio)
Submitted 04-04-2014 under NEWS
Don't have time to listen now? Download the mp3 and listen at your leisure. INTERVIEW Tonight, April 4, it the opening of the play “Angels In America,” by Southside Theater Company at Dog Story Theater – a play rarely...Catalyst Radio: Get Covered America making final push for sign-ups
by (Catalyst Radio)
Submitted 03-28-2014 under NEWS
Don't have time to listen now? Download the mp3 and listen at your leisure. INTERVIEW Featured in this episode of Catalyst Radio is the effort called Get Covered America – a national campaign focused on educating consumers about the...Catalyst Radio: LadyFestGR expanding women-focused workshops, entertainment
by (Catalyst Radio)
Submitted 03-14-2014 under NEWS
Don't have time to listen now? Download the mp3 and listen at your leisure. INTERVIEW Featured in this episode of Catalyst Radio is LadyFestGR – a celebration of women in the local community, through workshops and a diverse array of...Catalyst Radio: Our Kitchen Table teaching gardening for food security
by (Catalyst Radio)
Submitted 02-28-2014 under NEWS
Don't have time to listen now? Download the mp3 and listen at your leisure. INTERVIEW In this episode of Catalyst Radio we visit with Lisa Oliver King of the environmental justice and food security nonprofit Our Kitchen Table. Beginning...Catalyst Radio: CASA advocates for children in child welfare system
by (Catalyst Radio)
Submitted 02-17-2014 under NEWS
Don't have time to listen now? Download the mp3 and listen at your leisure. INTERVIEW More than 1,000 children in Kent County are wards of the family court, having been victims of abuse or neglect. Court Appointed Special Advocates (or...Catalyst Radio: The DAAC starts new life, seeks new location
by (Catalyst Radio)
Submitted 02-10-2014 under NEWS
Don't have time to listen now? Download the mp3 and listen at your leisure. INTERVIEW The beloved local arts organization The DAAC (Division Avenue Arts Collective) is reforming under the umbrella of a nonprofit, with renewed vigor, after...Catalyst Radio: Food need at its highest in West Michigan
by (Catalyst Radio)
Submitted 01-26-2014 under NEWS
Don't have time to listen now? Download the mp3 and listen at your leisure. INTERVIEW Feeding America West Michigan Food bank distributed more food in 2013 than it has any previous year in its 3 decades of service. Ken Estelle, CEO of the...Catalyst Radio: Izaak Walton League's Winterfest teaches love of outdoors Sat., Jan. 25
by (Catalyst Radio)
Submitted 01-20-2014 under NEWS
Don't have time to listen now? Download the mp3 and listen at your leisure. INTERVIEW The nearly century-old nonprofit conservation group Izaak Walton League is the focus of this episode of Catalyst Radio. Georgia Donovan from the League...Catalyst Radio: Artist Gianturco, international exhibit subjects describe 'Grandmother Power' at GRPM
by (Catalyst Radio)
Submitted 01-20-2014 under NEWS
Don't have time to listen now? Download the mp3 and listen at your leisure. INTERVIEW In this episode of Catalyst Radio we have in studio special guests who are part of the international Grandmother Power movement – ...Catalyst Radio: Silent Observer rocks the mic with youth competition Tues., Feb. 4
by (Catalyst Radio)
Submitted 01-20-2014 under NEWS
Don't have time to listen now? Download the mp3 and listen at your leisure. INTERVIEW This edition of Catalyst Radio features Silent Observer in Kent County – the anonymous crime-reporting service that liasons with law...