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The Artists of Heartside Gallery & Studio-- David Broaduz

This dispatch was added by one of our Nonprofit Neighbors. It does not represent the editorial voice of The Rapidian or Community Media Center.

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Heartside Gallery and Studio began in 1993 as a small program of Heartside Ministry.  This ever-expanding program continues to offer the Heartside community and its neighbors a supportive and safe environment in which to create, exhibit and sell work. 

Our artists come from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences.  Some have experienced homelessness and the disadvantages that come with it; our community also includes artists with various emotional, physical or mental disabilities.  Many artists are simply people from the Heartside neighborhood who wish to share their experience and talent with neighbors who can benefit from their expertise.

David Broaduz

"I learn all of the time.  Been making artwork since I started: mostly paintings, but I do a little bit of writing about science. Martial arts, spirituality, philosophy, theories and beliefs inspire me.  There are a lot of designs, patterns and mixed textures in my work, but there's more to it than just paint.  It's structure.  It's technique. It's visualization.  This is powerful. Life flows, like martial arts. There is no program, and yet there is: it's a balance.  This is a way of living."

'The Artists of Heartside Gallery and Studio' is a monthly feature to highlight some of the wonderful people of the Heartside neighborhood.  Visit to learn more and get involved.

Sarah Scott is Arts Coordinator for Heartside Gallery and Studio, and can be reached at [email protected]

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I've run into David many times down on Division - it's cool to learn a little more about where he's coming from.
