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Role/Play at Kendall College shows that sometimes less is more

Submitted 09-22-2012 under OPINION

Sometimes what pieces are made out of steal all the glory. In Kendall's exhibition "Role/Play," what the work is made from only begins to scratch the surface of this expertly curated show.


What do you see: Plexus No 18 at Kendall College

Submitted 09-22-2012 under OPINION

Gabriel Dawe's strings will take you in and off center, another sophisticated and playful work along with a venue full of that same successful tension between playfulness and complexity.


"Cup of Life" takes a closer look at coffee

Submitted 09-22-2012 under LOCAL LIFE

Bitter End employee Alysha Lach's ArtPrize entry investigates people's relationship to coffee


Redefining Habitats: a juxtaposition between nature and design

Submitted 09-21-2012 under OPINION

Alois Kronschlaeger combines constructed natural environments with modern architecture in Habitat.


McDaniel works through "Anxiety" with sculptural installation at UICA

Submitted 09-21-2012 under LOCAL LIFE

An introverted personality, Ryan McDaniel brings his insightful artistic voice to life through his creation.


What do you see: Breathing Room at SiTE:LAB

Submitted 09-21-2012 under OPINION

Tucked away in the back of a large venue is a quiet space to breathe.


Thumbs up or thumbs down: The Rapidian hosts a Debate

Submitted 09-20-2012 under NEWS

This year, The Rapidian adds a gallery of photos where you can debate the merits of ArtPrize entries, vote up and down, and get those conversations started.


Beerhorst family and MadCap Coffee give ArtPrize a lift

Submitted 09-20-2012 under LOCAL LIFE

MadCap Coffee will house the Beerhorst Family's entry for ArtPrize this year.


What do you see: Still Point by Gwendolyn Terry at High Five

Submitted 09-20-2012 under OPINION

I started off my first official ArtPrize night at High Five, and spent my entire evening there. Terry's site-specific installation was what I saw, first and last.


What do you see: Amass by Margery Amdur and Art Fitness

Submitted 09-19-2012 under OPINION

ArtPrize season has begun, and with it our chance to view, contemplate, question and ultimately vote on art. Today I see work by Margery Amdur.

