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ACT Apprentice Jay: A Bouquet of Joy

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ACT Apprentice Jay spreads joy with her flower paintings.
ACT Apprentice Jay

ACT Apprentice Jay /Madi Schmit

Flowers and bright colors enticed me to sit down and take a look at Jay’s artwork. She was painting a beautiful flower with intense focus. When I asked to talk, she gave me a small smile and continued painting with blues and purples. I wondered if one of those is her favorite color. When I asked her, however, she said, “Pink.” Seems that pink is the most popular color in the Artists Creating Together 2017-18 Apprentice cohort, and Jay agrees.

Jay’s favorite mediums to work with are pencils and paint, which are also shared favorites amongst the cohort. The simplicity of these really suit her strong style. When I asked what her favorite thing to draw is, she said, “I like flowers.” She is renders these beautiful subjects with ease so it is clear why she likes them so much. I asked her what else inspires her and was surprised to hear cartoons. “I like drawing cartoon characters.” She told me she likes Spongebob the best because he is easiest. He also happens to be my favorite and I was pleased to chat with her about which episodes we like best. Our neighbors, a fellow intern and another Apprentice, Nerissia, chimed in with their favorites including Courage the Cowardly Dog and Hey, Arnold! As it turns out, many of the Apprentices enjoy cartoons, whether it is watching or drawing them. Our other neighboring Apprentice, Allan, also enjoys cartoons and was sketching out an original character while we talked.

This is part of what Jay loves about coming to the ACT Studio. She enjoys being a part of many different things and people. Her very favorite part, however, is seeing the teachers and ACT staff. “Madi is my favorite,” she told me. Madi is an ACT Program Coordinator and facilitates the Apprentice art workshop every Thursday. Jay really enjoys talking and sharing her artwork with Madi. As for Madi, she is excited for Jay. She told me, “it has been an honor to see Jay’s transformation from the beginning of the year when she was reluctant to make art and share it with others. Now, Jay explores new mediums and is excited to share. I have enjoyed watching Jay flourish as an artist and share the joy she gets from that.”  

Anyone who looks at Jay’s work can find joy. This is something that Jay feels deeply about. She really wants her art to reach people and make them happy. Looking at her flower paintings, I get the same serene and joyful feeling that comes when standing in front of a field full of them. To see her work, come and visit the Apprentices’ year-end showcase at the Lions and Rabbits museum, April 27th from 5-7pm. Additional details are located in the sidebar.   

Interview and story by Haley Wagner, Writing and Content Development Intern   




ACT Apprentice Showcase at Lions and Rabbits

Come support a season’s worth of artwork created by the Apprentice class at The Lions and Rabbits gallery on April 27th from 5-7pm. The showcase features the work of Artist Creating Together’s Apprentice Cohort. It is open to the public during those hours and people are encouraged to come view and purchase Apprentice artwork.






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