Word on the street for March 4, 2009
Word on the street for March 4, 2009
(this is the greeting you give when you sort of recognize someone but then you realize you totally DO know them....This week there is good stuff and a lot of it. So I will waste no time with floofy-wordy intros... instead Here is word on the street for March 4, 2009
If you haven't been keeping up on the Michigan State level budget adjustments come and check out the ArtServe Michigan Regional Meeting on Thursday morning at the Wealthy Theater. They will be taking about the latest news affecting the arts and culture in Michigan. The discussion starts at 9am and after lunch break you can catch a live Webinar on the Cultural Data Project. Admission is free. Location 1130 Wealthy Street.
OOHH the UICA is launching a Student discount night for movie tickets on Thursday night students can catch movies for just $5 and students who are already UICA members can get in for $4... WOW!
Thursday night you can catch a 3 band bang up at the DAAC featuring Juiceboxxx, Teen Girl Fantasy and Selectornics. So it was just called to my attention that Josh Fink IS Selectornics and we have to give it up for JOSH! Cause he ROCKS! Doors at 7pm Show at 8, cost $6! All ages all the time. Location 115 S. Division.
Mixed tape is having their Official Grand Opening weekend this weekend! Thursday night join them for a rock fashion show! Bands include California's Brave Citizens and Blue Star Pilot Show starts at 6:30 tickets are $8 before hand and $10 at the DOOR! Location 133 South Division!
The Producers is coming to the Civic Stage. The tickets range from $16 to $30 and there are performance times each day of the weekend For more information check out the civic website. http://www.grct.org/ Location 30 Division Avenue N.
FRIDAY! (Art day)
Friday night at Heartside Gallery they are having an opening! I love the fact that they are choosing themes and that people are creating work for the themes. This month the show is mythology Images of Past and present Folklore. The show opens at 5 pm and runs until 9pm Location 54 South Division All ages all the time! FREE!
Friday Night Gallery Noir is hosting a show by artist Ryan Stewart Nault. Ryan has been involved in the Artworks program for the past few months as an intern and I belive this is his first big show. So get out and support some fresh blood....Location 15 Ionia, 6-9pm free! all ages!
Friday night the DAAC is hosting an Arts and Activists night with a Save the Wild UP show (anti-Sulfide mining) Rock out to the music of Dan Fisher, Justin Stover, Andred DeHaan Ulock Justice, Lauren Hodson, James Cadwell, Songbird Singers, Down River Duo and Sociopop. There are also a slew of artists including Britny Locke, Geoffery Holstad, Phiip Siefker, Katie Jurasin, Veronica Kirin and poetry from Talia Falks and Nancy Finney. Show begins at 5pm!
On Friday the Mixed Tape Grand Opening Weekend Continues with Hardcore bands including Bothers, The Skies Revolt, Their Teethe will be of Lions (I LOVE THAT NAME) A Pashal Circus and Lights at Sea. Tickets are $6 ahead of time $8 at the door. Show starts aty 6pm. All ages all weekend.
On Saturday catch a totally cool free workshop at the Tanglefoot building. Redhydrant press is hosting a Empowered Women's Health Workshop the session includes some pretty cool stuff; a women sense approach to pregnancy and birth, de-sanitizing our menstrual health a panel discussion about how media and marketing package women for profit and a discussion about sharing empowered alternatives. Location: 314 Straight SW
Begins at 9am runs until 4pm.
Oh the butterflies are at Fredrick Meijer Gardens. On a bleak cold winter day spending some time at the gardens is just what the doctor ordered!
Saturday Night at the DAAC there are three bands; My America is Watching Tigers Die, Good Teeth/Gold Teeth and Damages. Show at 8pm, cost is $6.
Mixed Tape weekend is still on and they are bringing in Butch Walker and The Films. Tieckts are $15 ahead of time and $20 at the door. Everybody seems to love this guy so get out and see it while it is hot.
So we have to say at this point that we (as in I) are very happy to see another all ages venue take the place of Skelletones. I think it is awesome when venues shrug their shoulders at the income that a liquor license provides and instead focus on being inclusive. SO THANK YOU MIXED TAPE! And the Mixed tape launch weekend wraps up with And Hell followed With, Kill What I Adore, Cast Pattern, Gutted Out, and Idus Martinae Tickets are $10 at the door show at 6pm. Location 133 south Division.
On Monday I think there is a pretty interesting lecture at the UICA. Dr. Karen Milbourne will be speaking about and exhibition on display at the national Museum. The work in the show is considered to be a dialogue between to artists who are speaking to each other through an intentional construction; their artwork. And I find this to be a very interesting concept. Sp the lecture is at 7pm it is FREE and open to all ages. Location 41 Sheldon Blvd.
Next week!
Swing dancing in the summer in Rosa Parks is so lovely. But you might feel a little intimidated by all of those high school students whirling and twirling. If you want to get a leg up on some swing dance basics Laura Armenta Studios has the class for you. Check out their website a http://www.lauraarmenta.com
There is a new local program, Heartside music together which offers and early childhood music and movement program for parents and young children (like babies to preschool) the program begins March 28th and you can learn more about it on their website www.heartsidemusictogether.com
Models Needed!
March 13th there is an event at the Children's museum and organizers are looking for models to wear designs created by local artist the event is a live sculpture exhibition. There are just a few spots left. If you are interested email Cynthia at [email protected] or give her a call at 510 3599!
Get involved. The CMC is staring a project called the Grand Rapids neighborhood News Bureaus and they are holding a community conversation at the Community media education center located at 1110 Wealthy Street next week . IF you are infested in getting involved in citizen driven news reporting (and to finding out what that even means...) you should check out their conversation. Tuesday the 10th from 4:30 until 6:30
OHMYGOSHMYHEADISGONNAEXPLODE! But...If you've got events for next weekend then send them on in! email me at [email protected] . If you want to check out the Blog got to http://www.g-rad.org/projects/wordonthestreet/
Thanks for reading all the way down to the very bottom.