
July 1, 2010 5:47 pm

Since I just got done loading up all of my pictures from June I had the harsh realization that 1/3 of summer is OVER! (small panic) and frankly while it has been chock full of  Grand Rapids goodness I really need to get my butt in gear to make the most out of the sun and fun. I hope some of these suggestions help you get up and get INDEPENDENT this weekend!

Here is Word on the Street for June 30th 2010



This time of year there is nothing like a good cook out. On July 2nd join up with neighbors in Baxter for a neighborhood Grill out next to Ernie’s Barber Shop . From 11:30 until 2pm there will be food and drinks, a DJ, and if you are in the market for a trim you can pick up a sporty new do from Ernies. There will be a raffle and proceeds go towards Weed and Seed.

Location: 612 Eastern Ave

Cost: Free!


Friday night the GRAM is hosting Gram on the Green with sweet ass entertainment from End of Times Orchestra. Also they have a new Bazzaar component selling merch, with a a cash bar on the Museum Terrace and apparently there are giant games…(wha-huh?) So a bit of this and that for everyone! Stuff starts going down at 5, entertainment goes until 9pm.

Cost: Free outside, $5 to see the GRAM show

Location: Monroe Center St NW & Monroe Ave NW


Friday is seriously always the day with the most art. Check out some new rad stuff by mister mastermind Geoffrey Holstead. With a name like a novelist and an eye for design Geoff’s works seem to trip between  fabulously hip design and timeless classic. They are American psyche to the core. The show, I HATE WHITE RABBITS, opens from 6-9 at the Sparrows with snacks from Marie Catribs (yum yum yum). For more info or a little sneak peak check out  www.geoffreyholstad.com

Location: 1035 Wealthy St. SE

Cost Nada


Like music? Then I am pretty sure you will like the Pistolbrides. Sure it is their first show, and I have never heard them, BUT. with members from the Mighty Narwhale, Lazy Genius, and Chip Fundy, how could you go wrong? Show starts at 8pm at Mully’s.

Location:  1518 Wealthy SE

Cost: Freebie



Want fireworks? On July 3rd you can head to Kentwood for sky sparklers. Their will be a parade (9:30am)  and then fireworks at dusk…. The Kalamazoo street parade route starts at 52nd street and ends at 60th and apparently best viewing for the fireworks is at the Kentwood City Center located at 4900 Breton RD SE.

Cost: Free

Location: Kentwood.


Wow want to get seriously American this weekend? Dust of the cowboy hat and the shit kickers ‘cause Double JJ resort is hosting a Summer Rodeo along with a Pig Roast. Described as “tasty” the evening includes ridin’ wranglin’ and ropin’.  Pig at 5:30, Rodeo starts at 8pm. yeh might want to wrassle up some more details, info@doublejj.com

Cost:  $14 Kids, $20

Location: 5900 Water Road Rothbury, MI 49452


DJ P and Heartside ministries are teaming up to present Art In Music from 4 until 6pm on Saturday. There will be a variety of artists rapping, free styling, showing off their talent on the stage and getting DOWN Heartside style. Proceeds go towards Heartside Gallery!

Cost: $3.00

Location 115 S. Division



Looking for something to do on the 4th(before the cook out and the fireworks round 2?)  Well look no further then Fulton. The ARTisans Market will be taking over and whooping it up at the corner of Fuller and Fulton from 11am to 3pm!

Location: 1147 E. Fulton Street

Cost: Free to look but you are going to want to bring your wallet!


Bring you pooch and get some hooch from 1-4pm at Hopcat. The Mackenizies Yappy Hour invites dogs and their owners on the the patio for brews. Make a $5.00 donation and get ½ off appetizers and 25% off select beers!

Cost: $5 donation

Location: 25 Ionia Avenue Southwest


Want more fireworks? The Grand daddy of all downtown fireworks display takes place on Sunday night in the downtown. head to the nearest bridge, pop a squat and get ready to light up the night. The show begins at 10:30 sharp which is great if you want to grab a bite to eat before the magic begins…

Cost: Free

Location: Downtown



 On Monday there will be a free concert at GR Bike Park with Mr. B's Joybox Express. The Joybox is a group of 4 musicians touring across the state on bike hauling their instruments and playing as they go! The donated funds from the show will go towards the MAJIC concert series at Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Show starts at 2pm!

Location: 580 Kirtland SW

Cost: be thoughtful and bring a donation!


So that about does it! Hope you enjoy the holiday and say hi to your family and friends on my behalf!

If you are on facebook you can join the group. Currently we are sending word out as an “event” and a message on facebook so feel free to share….. you can post feedback there or of course send me an email at… wordonthestreetgr@gmail.com . OR if you want to check out the Blog got to http://www.g-rad.org/projects/wordonthestreet/


Thanks for reading all the way down to the very bottom.
