What does the new CPR law actually mean for Michigan Schools?
You probably have heard about the new Michigan law (signed Dec. 28) that requires all students to learn CPR and how to use an AED before graduating from high school. But what does it actually mean? Where will schools find the time and the money to train all of their students in CPR?
The law goes into effect beginning with the 2017-2018 school year, and applies to students in grades 7 to 12.
We’ve talked to dozens of students and teachers in West Michigan schools that are using our training. Overwhelmingly, they were supportive of the graduation requirement for schools in every state nationwide. Here are quotes from just two of the school staff members that we spoke with:
“I have kids lining up at my door because they see other kids learning CPR and they want to learn it too.” - Erica Hart, interviewed at Algoma Christian HS, now at West Catholic.
“CPR, AED training, anything that can make a student a more well-rounded individual for the future, I think that’s what’s needed because if schools are trying to create positive influences and positive contributors into society, shouldn’t we have a well-rounded individual to do so? Not just cognitively but ready to help the healthy body as well, it’s very important.” - Kyle Bohl, interviewed at Creative Technologies Academy, now at Grace Bible College
We also recorded the teachers on video. Watch here -- https://youtu.be/0OKko5c_S5o
A common complaint is where the budget to do a program like this will come from. There are ways to do this training at no cost, like StudentCPR.com. Launched in 2012, 32 proactive Michigan schools joined before the law was passed.
We’ve trained over 9000 students in Michigan (we’re based in Grand Rapids).
That’s out of a total of 64,000 trained nationwide.
Cost per student is $0.
Michigan is the 36th state to make the training mandatory.
30 states have already started the requirement
The 6 latest states will all go into effect in 2017 and 2018.
We would love to help you tell the full story about this new law and its impact. We are also happy to connect you with students and teachers who can talk more about their personal experience with the training.
Shoot me an email if you would like to chat more.
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