Volunteers needed at Fulton Street Farmers Market

June 5, 2012 4:45 pm

Fulton Street Farmers Market is looking for volunteers on June 12th and June 15th.

Fulton Street Farmers Market is looking for volunteers for a Rapid Market Assessment on June 12 and June 15. Volunteer hours are between 7:45 a.m. and 3 p.m. Partial shifts are available as well. We are in need of volunteers to do an attendance count, so that the market knows how many people are using the market. Volunteers may also have some customer interactions. If interested please e-mail info@fultonstreetmarket.org.

The Rapid Market Assessment is a tool that many farmers markets use to project how well they are doing, how many people they are reaching, and to identify ways in which the market can be improved. Our market has a brand new upgrade, therefore, this assessment and accompanying survey is incredibly important for us to know how the upgrade is affecting market attendance. Additionally, we want to know what people are thinking about the new market, what they think is working and what they think should be changed and adjusted. Therefore, we appreciate any volunteers to help us make our market the best it can be!

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