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UCOM welcomes Liam Bailey as Donor Relations Specialist

This dispatch was added by one of our Nonprofit Neighbors. It does not represent the editorial voice of The Rapidian or Community Media Center.

UCOM welcomes Liam Bailey as Donor Relations Specialist

United Church Outreach Ministry is excited to announce that Liam Bailey has joined our team as Donor Relations Specialist. Liam brings 8 years of experience building relationships in support of nonprofits committed to community impact that is rooted in social justice and healthy, thriving neighborhoods. 

“UCOM has spent the last year addressing the heightened needs of our neighbors during a crisis that has touched every soul in our country. Through financial and housing advocacy in addition to our healthy food resources, UCOM is walking with our neighbors to ensure we get through this together. We have seen the impact strong, supportive relationships make on a community and we can’t wait to have Liam building connections with our exceptionally loving and supportive patrons,” says Dr. Bruce Roller, Executive Director of UCOM. 

Liam has spent many years helping raise funds and increase support for local agencies working to address the symptoms of poverty. Additionally, they have a passion and deep commitment for building equity in marginalized communities. Liam remarks, “COVID-19 has created a country where we use the word ‘unprecedented’ on a regular basis. Many of our neighbors feel that reality deeply, especially those already working to overcome poverty and other barriers keeping them from thriving. I’m so excited to join UCOM and be a part of this team that is having lasting impact through building meaningful connections with neighbors and offering them the holistic support needed to stay afloat in ‘unprecedented’ times.”

For more information on how UCOM has stepped up to support our neighbors, visit

United Church Outreach Ministry (UCOM) is a non-profit organization that provides material and educational assistance to help neighbors meet their basic needs, improve quality of life, and promote self-sufficiency. This is accomplished through a variety of programs including a healthy choice pantry, local gardens, and low-cost farm stand, in addition to clothing and professional dress pantries. UCOM also provides classes in basic financial skills, healthy cooking and nutrition, gardening, Sit and Be Fit, in addition to Workforce Development opportunities and income tax preparation for low-income working people. UCOM is an ecumenical agency of the United Church of Christ and is completely supported by private donations.

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