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"The Inbetween," critiqued by Kathy

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Members of the GAAH Press Club visited ArtPrize and wrote about a specific piece.

"Inbetween" /Kathy

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Detail of "The Inbetween."

Detail of "The Inbetween." /Kathy

On Sunday, October 1, The GAAH Press Club visited ArtPrize and each wrote a review of  a work of art that they found particularly interesting. The following is Kathy's review of an artwork.


This art picture is called "The Inbetween," by Zach Mory.  I saw this art at the Women's City Club.  I think this whole thing is about a world with evil, and a whole world that is getting attacked by worms and snakes.  

It is black and white.  It has a lot of ovals and shapes everywhere.

I think it is art because it has pictures of some creatures.  I love the picture because it was cool and funny.

I wanted to ask him what his first art project was that he made before anything.

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