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Tell the Awesome Foundation about your ideas

Dedicated to spreading awesome since Nov. 2011
Underwriting support from:

How does the Awesome Foundation define an "Awesome" project?

1. Newness – Is this idea totally new?

2. Niceness – Is this idea one that makes other people happy or helps people in the community?

3. Bigness/Inclusion – Potential to reach many people in the community– Can anybody join?

4. Hilarity – Does it make us laugh?

5. Wow-ness – Does it make us say “Holy crap, that’s Awesome?”

6. Utility – Does the $1k make the difference between the project happening or not?

7. Value – Is the Awesome Foundation getting a real “Bang for its buck?”

8. Staying Power – Can the project endure? Will it start a movement or annual event?

9. Environmental Impact – Needless waste is not Awesome.


The Foundation is always accepting submissions, submit yours today.

Each month 10 local philanthropists join forces and donate $100 each to create a $1000 grant for someone’s awesome idea. 

Each chapter of the Awesome Foundation is independently funded. Each agent (the philanthropic member) makes a personal commitment of contributing $100 for the $1000 grant rewarded each month. The group come various backgrounds: business, invention, public service, transportation, finance and much more. 

Decisions are made based on whatever voting structure the group decides after meeting and reviewing the pool of ideas. After choosing their recipient together, the grant is rewarded, a party is thrown and the idea is recorded and documented. 

The Awesome Foundation has funded all sorts of ideas, ranging from public health to education. Past funded projects can be explored on their blog.



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