The results from the Tuesday, May 4 election are in, all 71 voting districts have reported, and the Grand Rapids Public Schools district has two new board members. Challengers Jon O'Connor and Mauren Quinn Slade defeated two incumbents Amy C. McGlynn and Harry D. Campbell. Slade garnered 11,130 votes O'Connor netted 7,544, McGlynn 5,963, Campbell 2,923 and challenger Roger L. McClary 2,736.
Two proposals were also approved in the election. The first proposal, the Uniform City Income Tax Ordinance, will increases the annual rate of tax on corporations and resident individuals from 1.3 percent to 1.5 percent and on non-resident individuals from .65 percent to .75 percent effective July 1, 2010 trhough June 30, 2015. A portion of this collected tax will be spent on police and fire services. The proposal passed with a vote of 9,763 to 9559.
The second proposal eliminates the City Charter requirement of an eight-hour work day for city employees other than firefighters, police officers, election officials and employees of contractors while engaged on municipal contract work. All contracts for municipal contract work will now have this provision. The passing of this proposal allows the city to establish the length of the work day for its employees and contractors at more or less than eight hours per day.The proposal passed with a vote of 12,485-6,202.
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