In studio: United Way's Volunteer Center

July 16, 2010 4:02 pm

Joining us in studio are Jane Royer and Jessica Gonyou from United Way's Volunteer Center. Stay tuned to hear how the wave of retiring babyboomers have influenced the assembly of volunteer opportuniti

The Rapidian's Nonprofits section features stories written directly by local nonprofits about their work. These stories reflect their perspectives, not The Rapidian's editorial voice.

Joining us in studio are Jane Royer and Jessica Gonyou from United Way's Volunteer Center. Stay tuned to hear how the wave of retiring babyboomers have influenced the assembly of volunteer opportunities. This week's featured song is "Nerves of the Nightmind" by Michigan band Frontier Ruckus from the album Deadmalls and Nightfalls.



Cell phone technology helps determine optical prescriptions
MIT Media Lab is developing cell phone technology to help mobile phone users in the developing world determine their vision.
[Read more: NYT Bits blog, MIT]

Helium hopes credentialing will distinguish it from other sites with user-generated content
Helium has long been known for its user-generated content. Users submit stories and are paid based on how many unique visitors read their article. Journalism professionals have recently been moving toward Helium, so in response, Helium has begun to offer credentials to mark contributors' vast experience in particular fields.
[Read more: Poynter]

Colombian journalist classified under terrorist activities, permanently denied visa to assume journalism fellowship
Colombian journalist Hollman Morris was invited to be a Nieman Fellow at Harvard University, a prestigious fellowship program for mid-career journalists. Under the U.S. Patriot Act, he is classified as engaging in terrorist activities. This assertion stems from his television news show, which is critical of politics in the country and has been known to dig into the status of political initiatives surrounding kidnap vicitms and their graves away from the capital of Bogotá.
[Read more: Associated Press, Nieman Lab]

Knight News Challenge winner The Cartoonist turns news into a visual game
Ian Bogost and Michael Mateas have proposed to make a video game with flexible parameters. Keeping a busy newsroom in mind, editors and reporters will answer a set of questions that the video game will then translate into rules for a story-based game. The project was awarded over $375,000 over two years and the project leads come from video game design and artificial intelligence backgrounds.
[Read more: Knight, Nieman Lab]



[FESTIVAL] Bikestock Dos
12-6 p.m. on Saturday, July 17 at Rosa Parks Circle
Bikestock Dos advocates for more bicycle accommodations in the city of Grand Rapids. Local businesses, community organizations, bicycles and music will be featured, as well as local politicians and influential citizens speaking on behalf of bicycles.
[More information: Facebook]

[EDUCATION] Bloom Collective re-opening
1-5 p.m. on Saturday, July 17 at 671 Davis Ave NW
The Bloom Collective, an infoshop supported by user donations, will be holding an open house to celebrate its new space. The Really, Really Free Market, refreshments with vegan options, and new membership information will be featured. The new space comes with new hours.
[More information: Bloom Collective]

[EDUCATION] 2010 Candidate Forum on Early Childhood
7-8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 20at Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park
 House of Representatives and Senate Candidates in Kent County will be discussing their stances on  early childhood and the public is invited to attend. Free childcare is provided at this event, which is sponsored by Great Start Parent Coalition of Kent County.
[More information: The Rapidian calendar]