This week, Catalyst Radio speaks with Sharon Loughridge, executive director of D.A. Blodgett - St. John's.
The Rapidian's Nonprofits section features stories written directly by local nonprofits about their work. These stories reflect their perspectives, not The Rapidian's editorial voice.
Catalyst Radio is a weekly radio show with hosts Linda Gellasch and Denise Cheng that looks at the behind-the-scenes of Rapidian reporting as well as grassroots and nonprofit efforts around the community. The show comprises a media analysis and developments portion, interview segment and calendar of events. You can catch it on air at noon every Friday on WYCE 88.1 FM or streaming on the Grand Rapids Community Media Center Website.
This week, Catalyst Radio speaks with Sharon Loughridge, executive director of D.A. Blodgett - St. John's. Music featured is Raffi's Bananaphone.
TBD asks prospective audience for feedback
TBD, a news site set to cover the DC area, has asked its audience to give the staff advice on the kind of content they would like to consume and how. The project began in October 2009 and is expected to launch in summer 2010. It will be a combination of staff reporting and locally aggregated content. Read more at TBD.
NYT will charge for content starting January 2011
After much headscratching over setting up paywalls, New York Times is moving ahead and will charge for online content next year. Research has shown an overwhelming number of Internet users would not pay for online news. The company has sketched out a plan where users can access a maximum number of articles for free before payment must be made to access more content. Read more at Huffington Post, Wall Street Journal
iPad apps' biggest competitors are their Web sites
In his review of the iPad, one Nieman Lab blogger shares his thoughts about how the speed and ease of the iPad actually emphasizes Internet browsers than iPad apps for the time being. Many news organizations have been developing iPad apps, but while the ease of use is universally praised, content is still lacking. This pushes users back to robust news sites rather than consume content from the apps. From Nieman Lab.
Kindle not faring well in academic settings
After a couple of years of hype and several universities signing on, a couple of higher learning institutions are finding that Kindle isn't all it's cracked up to be. Part of the original push for Kindle in classrooms was to cut down on the cost of textbooks and materials as well as reducing universities' environmental impact. A couple of big universities have rejected it as an academic tool, learning that it's an effective personal reading device but does not function well enough for school-related work. For further reading, check out Ars Technica and The Daily Princetonian.
At 6 p.m. on Tuesday, June 1, GRTV will host Location TV, an introduction to portable (on location) video production planning, vocabulary, camera and shooting to edit techniques, and information common to all areas of video production. This hands-on class certifies CMC members to reserve GRTV equipment. You must pre-register at 459.4788 ext 100. Registration is $20 for CMC Members and $40 for non-members and takes place in the annex at Wealthy Theatre. [More info]
On Thursday, June 10, there will be a free poetry reading at Schuler Books downtown featuring the works of Joe McIntosh, aka Joe The Cabdriver, set to musical accompaniment by The Burning Knowledge Trio. The Burning Knowledge trio employs rock minimalism, ambient soundscapes and traditional folk melodies. [More info]
The Seventh Annual Local First Street Party will take place Saturday, June 12, at 4 p.m. outside Bistro Bella Vita. There will be local food, beer, vendors and live music performed by local bands. [More info]
Sunday, June 13 marks opening day for the Fulton Street ARTisans Market. There will be at least 60 local West Michigan artists there selling their wares, and several local restaurants will be down at FSAM every Sunday as well. The market will run from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 1147 E. Fulton. [More info]
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