Story Matters: Trudy Brenner knows son can do what he sets his mind to do

Trudy Brenner says the worst thing people say about her son Joe Brenner is "he can't do it." She explains in this video that he has proven that wrong time and time again.

The Rapidian's Nonprofits section features stories written directly by local nonprofits about their work. These stories reflect their perspectives, not The Rapidian's editorial voice.

We build community when we share our stories - whether they be a memory, an experience or just simply telling what we think is great about this place. The Elevating Voices project is collaborating with 12 local nonprofits through the summer and fall to collect the stories of the voices we don't always hear in mainstream media. This story was captured at Disability Advocates of Kent County's event in Rosa Parks Circle, "Ability in Action."

Trudy Brenner says the worst thing people say about her son Joe Brenner is "he can't do it." She explains in this video that he has proven that wrong time and time again.


STORY MATTERS. is a story collecting project from The Rapidian and GRTV. You can see all the Story Matters videos archived at