Matt Lytle has seen the bar and restaurant scene in Grand Rapids boom. He and his wife now enjoy visiting places like Brewery Vivant, Winchester and The Meanwhile.
The Rapidian's Nonprofits section features stories written directly by local nonprofits about their work. These stories reflect their perspectives, not The Rapidian's editorial voice.
Story Matters - Matt Lytle from GRTV on Vimeo.
We build community when we share our stories - whether they be a memory, an experience or just simply telling what we think is great about this place. STORY MATTERS. is a story collecting project from The Rapidian and GRTV.
The Rapidian's story fort was collecting our community's stories at the Movies in the Park in Ah Nab Awen Park on July 11. Matt Lytle sat down to talk to us about what he enjoys doing in Grand Rapids, and how he's seen the city change over the years. He tells us the story of when he was at the Reptile House in perhaps its last night, and says he has seen the bar and restaurant scene in Grand Rapids boom since then. He and his wife now enjoy visiting places like Brewery Vivant, Winchester and The Meanwhile- thanks to the changes he's seen happen in our city in past years.
You can see all the Story Matters videos archived at
A core service of the Grand Rapids Community Media Center