AIGA West Michigan will host its first annual Fellow Awards on March 1, honoring two of its brightest stars, Steve Frykholm and Yang Kim.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
6:00-10:00 p.m.
Grand Rapids Art Museum
101 Monroe Center NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Tickets may be purchased via Eventbrite.
AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) West Michigan will host its first annual Fellow Awards, HULLABALOO, honoring two of their brightest stars, Steve Frykholm and Yang Kim. The AIGA West Michigan Fellow Award "recognizes seasoned designers and other major figures who have made a significant contribution to raising the standards of excellence in practice and conduct within the West Michigan design community and the AIGA West Michigan chapter," according to the chapter's Facebook page. The AIGA Fellows are being honored for their design practice and other contributions in a range of areas, including education, writing and leadership.
AIGA West Michigan was founded in 2009 and created around the idea of uniting a group of professionals and students with diverse backgrounds but a common interest in design. AIGA West Michigan aims to "create a place where design can be discovered, discussed, understood and appreciated. Our programming focuses on ways to inspire our members, learn new things and connect with each other and the community."
With nearly 300 members, they are among the fastest growing chapters of AIGA, the oldest and largest professional organization for design. Nationally, AIGA represents over 20,000 design professionals, educators and students through national activities and local programs developed by 67 chapters and 200 student groups.
HULLABALOO will also serve as a fundraiser for the AIGA West Michigan chapter, which will enable the organization to bring more exciting speakers, events and workshops in 2014. Tickets for the evening are available until 6 p.m. of March 1 and may be purchased through Eventbrite.
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