Craft House to host professional development workshop for artists

July 1, 2014 3:35 pm

Craft House is offering artists a one day workshop to hone professional skills.

On Saturday, July 26, Craft House will host Professional Development Day, a workshop geared toward artists. Creative professionals will be on hand to guide discussions and offer their experiences within the field, including topics such as tax breaks for working artists, online presence and web development, grant writing and financial management. 

Registration is open to the public. Registration fees for a one-on-one mentor sessions is $5. Afternoon workshop fee is $5. A day pass is $10. 

Mentors include: 

  • Tom Clinton
  • Kevin Buist
  • Gayle DeBruyn 
  • Laurie Hunt
  • Sally England
  • Anthony Shechtman
  • Tom Post
  • Steven Vinson
  • Laurel Stanley
  • Elyse Welcher
  • Tom Wagner
  • David Gianfredi
  • Bill MacDhubhain

A complet list of artist biographies can be found here.

Craft House is an art gallery located at 40 South Division on the Avenue for the arts. It is available to rent for extended exhibitions or one night events.