OKT offers free Food Justice class

November 9, 2015 3:29 pm

Free, four-session food justice class is open to all who want to learn more and do more.

The Rapidian's Nonprofits section features stories written directly by local nonprofits about their work. These stories reflect their perspectives, not The Rapidian's editorial voice.

Our Kitchen Table is offering a free, four-week class series, The Food Justice Movement: Moving Forward on Saturday mornings, 10  a.m. to 12 p.m. starting Nov. 14 at Garfield Park Lodge, 334 Burton St. SE 49507. This updated series explores what food justice is, why we need it and what we can do in Grand Rapids to make it happen. 

 OKT staff member, Stelle Slootmaker, is facilitating this dialogue that will be broken down as follows:

·        Defining food justice and food sovereignty--what does it all mean?

·        How the current food system came to be and the injustices it promotes (food apartheid, exploitation of workers and animals, environmental destruction, nutrient-poor foods, et al.)

·        Why food justice is about overcoming racism, sexism consumerism and
other "-isms."

·        What the Food Justice Movement is doing to create a better world and defining our part in it, here in Grand Rapids.

Reading materials provided will inclue Our Food, Our Right: Recipes for Food Justice (first edition) and OKT’s nine-part Food Justice series.

Stelle's experience includes eight years teaching a nutrition-based childbirth method, 20 years writing about nutrition and alternative health and 10 years actively working for social justice, including seven years with OKT.

Please sign up by emailing OKTable1@gmail.com to help us plan materials accordingly.