WZZM13 meteorologist, Aaron Ofseyer,talks about one of his wins in health and fitness.
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Being healthy means more than simply being physically active. It’s about maintaining a balanced spirit, mind and body. The Y is a place where you can work toward that balance by challenging yourself to learn a new skill or hobby, fostering connections with friends through our lifelong learning programs, or bringing your loved ones closer together through our many family-centered activities. At the Y, it’s not about the activity you choose as much as it is about the benefits of living healthier on the inside as well as the outside.
A win is a small triumph.
A personal victory.
A success that's all your own.
It's being able to fit into your favorite jeans, getting your confidence to get back out on the court, being able to exercise after surgery…it's making it through a group fitness class without taking a break.
We asked WZZM13 meteorologist, Aaron Ofseyer, about one of his wins at the Y and here is his story.
What YMCA do you go to?
I live on the Westside of GR and I go to the David D. Hunting Y.
Can you tell us a story about a win that you have experienced in health or fitness?
I wake up early for work and with two young children, sleep is a constant struggle. Exercising at the YMCA has helped me regulate my sleep pattern. Plus, when I’m awake I’m a much more pleasant person to be around with regular exercise. And with our neverending winter, being able to workout indoors in a pleasant setting is a blessing.
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