Dr. Mohammad Saleh will talk about how the principles of Islam challenge and inspire Muslim men in living their faith.
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Dominican Center at Marywood offers a monthly breakfast program through the Men's Spirituality Initiative. DCM began the Men’s Spirituality Initiative in the fall of 2011 in response to the requests of several men, who expressed a need for opportunities to work on their spirituality in the company of other men. This initiative is not intended to negate or ignore the need for men and women to work together toward spiritual development. Indeed, most of our programs provide that opportunity. It simply offers a specific focus on the participants’ life experience and needs, similar to programs we offer based on generation, life stages and transitions.This series offers men an opportunity to gather together for a hot breakfast, a presentation and conversation about a variety of spiritual topics as they relate specifically to men.
Each monthly event begins with breakfast and a program from 7:30-8:30 a.m.; all who are able, are invited to stay for continued discussion until 9:00 a.m. The details for the October Men's Spirituality Breakfast are below.
Men’s Spirituality Breakfast – Men and Islam – October (086-046)
Date: Wednesday, October 24, 2012; 7:30 – 9:00 a.m.
Cost: $10.00
To register online, CLICK HERE
You may also register by phone: call the Front Desk at 616.454.1241 (Option 5)
About the Presenter
Mohammad Saleh, MD is the President of the Islamic Mosque and Religious Institute worships at the Islamic Mosque and Religious Institute in Grand Rapids, where he is also Chairman of the Board. He is a frequent panelist and presenter at interfaith programs and dialogue sessions in the greater Grand Rapids Community. Dr. Saleh is a practitioner of Internal Medicine, having earned his M.D. from Damascus University School of Medicine in Syria and completed his residency at Grand Rapids Medical Education and Research Center.
Dominican Center at Marywood is open to people of all faiths. To keep up to date on the latest offerings, sign up for email updates on our home page HERE .
submitted by: Rosemary Steers, Dominican Center at Marywood
A core service of the Grand Rapids Community Media Center