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Literacy Center of West Michigan's Family of the Year

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The DeLeón-Gramajo Family is named the Family of the Year by the Literacy Center of West Michigan
The DeLeón-Gramajo family

The DeLeón-Gramajo family /Literacy Center of West Michigan

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The Literacy Center of West Michigan's Family Literacy Program serves many families that have chosen to improve their lives by advancing their English language reading and writing skills. The DeLeón-Gramajo  family shares their story of how improved literacy has changed their lives.


When Esmeli Gramajo came to the Literacy Center of West Michigan in 2009, she had a pretty important reason for hoping to learn English: she wanted to be able to help her daughters with their schooling. She began meeting with her tutor Sue for weekly English as a Second Language instruction, and before long had increased her literacy and language skills and learned more about how to support her daughters’ education.

Because of her increasing self-confidence, she even volunteered at her daughter’s Head Start preschool. Her husband Urizar has also been a tremendous support to his family’s education, and has been voted a member of Head Start’s Parent Policy Council. In addition, he has served as an interpreter for Spanish-speaking families at the Head Start monthly parent meetings. The DeLeón-Gramajo family is a shining example of a family that works hard together and values education.

The Literacy Center of West Michigan honored the DeLeon-Gramajo family at their annual Spellebration in March. Each year, a family is honored for their dedication to improving their English language reading and writing skills through the Family Literacy Program. The Family Literacy Program offers complimentary tutoring, workshops and events designed to assist parents and caregivers in becoming better readers for themselves as well as their families.

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