From Rapidian staff*: As you’ve no doubt noticed while perusing, our front page features a photo of the day. This feature is pulled from The Rapidian Flickr pool, We also take photos from this pool to use with stories posted to the site that need extra illustration.
Keeping in mind that this constantly growing set of photos is an essential tool in providing photos for The Rapidian, we are implementing a moderation system with the help of two volunteers who are experienced Flickr users. Photos that do not meet our guidelines, which are stated on the front page of the group, will be removed from the set. The photos aren’t being judged by artistic merit, but simply that they represent Grand Rapids, the coverage area of The Rapidian.
If subject matter is repeated over two or more photos, all but one of those photos will be removed at the moderators’ discretion. We’ve seen the many examples of this issue occuring with photos of concerts and food. If photos are taken outside of the City of Grand Rapids, they will be removed. Photos with large watermarks or improper names (such as “IMG_251673” or the like) may also be removed without prior notice. Photos names that are descriptive of the subject matter or location are the most helpful.
The main idea behind The Rapidian Flickr pool is to be a resource for our main content. The more photos Rapidian users submit to the Flickr pool, the more material we will have to work with and offer to readers. Our new moderation policy will keep it effective and useful.
Each week, a Rapidian staffer will publish a piece related to goings-on at The Rapidian, developments in the world of citizen journalism and tips for making the most of the site.
A core service of the Grand Rapids Community Media Center