I Believe I Become Family Fun Night takes advantage of sun and warm weather

Parents and children from the I Believe I Become Central zone gathered to enjoy an evening filled with games, food, golf, tattoos and facepainting.

The Rapidian's Nonprofits section features stories written directly by local nonprofits about their work. These stories reflect their perspectives, not The Rapidian's editorial voice.

Reflection from Willie Patterson, Community Liaison for I Believe I Become Central Zone:

Once again the I Believe I Become Central community came out to the Seidman Boys & Girls Club to enjoy fun family events with their children and residents throughout the neighborhood. The group was blessed with beautiful weather and the evening was filled with fun activities for children and parents, eager to take their mind off of the everyday struggles of life, even if just for a couple of hours.

Duthler’s Family Foods was again generous enough to supply all of the chips, drinks and dessert for the event. They have been strong supporters of I Believe I Become from the beginning and continue to show their dedication to the community and sustainable change by donating to events whenever asked. Officer Mike Harris of the Grand Rapids Police Department offered his time to teach children about golf, while sharpening their putting skills. Mike Remo, the director of the club, organized sack races and tug-o-war; it was exciting to watch the children so eager to hop that they took off before the race even started! There were 3-on-3 basketball games, young ladies jumping rope and scribing their name on the cement with sidewalk chalk, while volunteers worked tirelessly from the beginning to the end of the night applying tattoos and face painting everything the children could think up.

The parents got to cheer for their children while participating and relaxing in the shade to the mellow sounds on the radio. The event had a family feel that parents didn’t hesitate to voice. One resident stated, as she chased a Frisbee, “I haven’t played Frisbee since my last family reunion!”

The feeling of family was evident: a feeling that everything was alright with the world for those few fleeting hours. I know that I am refreshed when I think of the fun, safe time that I was able to share in with my community and its future.