The GRACE Hunger Walk ~ May 1st, 2010

The Rapidian's Nonprofits section features stories written directly by local nonprofits about their work. These stories reflect their perspectives, not The Rapidian's editorial voice.

Saturday, May 1, 2010
• 8:00 am Check-In
• 8:30 am Walk Start
• The walk begins at First United Methodist Church, 207 E. Fulton at Barclay.

Why the Hunger Walk?

According to a September 2009 United Nations Report, despite a record number of people suffering from hunger, food aid is at a 20-year low due to the poor global economy.
The result: More than 1 billion people across the world will face hunger this year.

That's why. Walk with us.

This year our goal is $160,000. 

Hunger Walk funds support 17 local agencies
(ACCESS Food Pantry Network, Arbor Circle, The Asian Center, Catholic Charities, Hard Times Cafe, Kids Food Basket, Lutheran Child and Family Service, North East Community Ministries, North Kent Service Center, Safe Haven Ministries, Senior Meals Program, South East Community Outreach Ministries, St Mark's Breakfast Cafe, The Salvation Army - Booth Family Services, United Church Outreach Ministries and the United Methodist Community House) and 4 international relief agencies (Catholic Relief Services, Church World Service, Lutheran World Relief and The Christian Reformed World Relief Committee).  Our international giving will focus on hunger relief efforts in Central and South America and Africa, with an additional focus this year on relief efforts in Haiti.

For more information
about how you, your congregation or organization can join us in our effort to alleviate hunger in our community and our world, visit the GRACE website at