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Fulton Street Artisan's Market

Underwriting support from:

/Jon Clay

Every Sunday from 11am to 3pm The Fulton Street Farmer's Market, located on Fulton at the corner of Fuller, is taken over by talented artisans. They sell paintings, photos, jewelry, pottery, furniture and so much more. Everything is local and handmade. Customers from all over the greater Grand Rapids Area show up to browse, bringing their friends, children, and even their dogs.

The open air venue along with wooden tables, tarps, and personalized displays creates a wonderfully eclectic mood. There is something for every taste.

There is fun to be had even for those not looking to purchase anything. There is so much to see, people to run into, and booth renters to talk to. Everyone is friendly and informative.

Renting a booth is easy too! Learn how by visiting

There are only 2 weeks left this summer, the last event being help on Sunday, Sept. 27th, so hurry and catch it while it lasts!

Say hello to me while you are there, I sell photo prints every week.

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love how your photos even tell more of the story... great article!

Thanks Terry! As you know, I submit photos and try desperately to add some words to go along with them. The photos are the focus of my articles.
