Join us on a faith and fun adventure to Spain—pilgrims, people of Faith, on the move into deeper life in God. We hope to see you soon.
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The Dominican Center at Marywood, a ministry of Dominican Sisters ~ Grand Rapids in Michigan, celebrates The Year of Faith with the church by sponsoring a tour of Spain, the land of St. Dominic de Guzman (13th century founder of the Dominican Order), St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, 16th century reformers and Doctors of the Church; and Saint Ignatius of Loyola (16th century founder of the Jesuits).
We want this to be a well-rounded and balanced pilgrimage for today’s pilgrims so we will make sure that there is time for fun, enjoyment of the culture, food, time for laughter and exchanges with the local citizens along the way. We will visit Espana, the country of vineyards, castles, art museums, colorful people and cities; and magnificent views, the Prado Museum in Madrid where will see the masterpieces of Goya, Velazquez and El Greco; a wonderful city full of fabulous architecture honoring the Muslin, Jewish and Christian heritage of Spain. You will return home changed and ready to recast the old story into a new story in which you play a central part. If this description and invitation fits you, don’t hesitate! Get your deposit in immediately because this is the kind of “tour” that will fill up very fast. Please don’t wait. Join us on a faith and fun adventure to Spain—pilgrims, people of Faith, on the move into deeper life in God. We hope to see you soon.
This 11-day trip, hosted by Sisters Nancy Brousseau, OP and Diane Zerfas, OP, will leave Chicago on Saturday, October 26, 2013 and return to Chicago on Tuesday, November 5, 2013.
The double-occupancy price of $3,299 includes round-trip airfare from Chicago; accommodations and most meals; comprehensive sightseeing with a professional driver/guide; and all hotel service charges, local taxes, porterage, and entrance fees. To complete your registration, the following three items need to be mailed to Dominican Center at Marywood – 2025 Fulton Street East – Grand Rapids, MI 49503-3895:
For questions or additional information, please call Sister Nancy Brousseau at 517.321.5066.
submitted by: R Steers, DCM Webmaster/Online Media
A core service of the Grand Rapids Community Media Center