Dominican Center at Marywood is offering you a day away. On June 8, we will have an all-day session; Come Walk with Me. The day begins at 9 am, includes a hearty lunch, and ends at 5 pm. If you're not available for the entire day, you might wish to register for the 9 am-12 Noon session, Prayer Walking in Nature; or the 2-5 pm session, Walking and Praying the Labyrinth. Whatever your schedule allows, we think this program will be a fun and inspirational event for all. This is a bilingual program and we hope to have a blend of both English and Spanish-speaking people in attndance. We invite you to take part in this day of relaxation, prayer, and peaceful reflection.
Come Walk with Me – Ven a caminar Conmigo Saturday, Jun 08, 2013 / Sabado 8 de junio; 9 am - 5 pm
- Presenter: Zulema Moret, Espressive Language Specialist, Spiritual Director, Poet
- Cost/Coste: $30.00 (includes lunch / incluye el almuerzo y los dos talleres)
- Time: 9 am – 5 pm
- Register by phone: 616.514.3325 || Register online: Click Here
A time to experience walking as a form of prayer. Participants may choose to register for a morning or afternoon workshop, or stay for the whole day.
Durante este día exploraremos el ‘caminar’ como una forma de oración. Los participantes pueden registrarse solo por la manana o en el taller de la tarde o quedarse todo el día compartiendo el al muerzo y los dos talleres.
Prayer Walking in Nature – Caminando y Orando en la Naturaleza Jun 08, 2013
- Presenter: Zulema Moret, Espressive Language Specialist, Spiritual Director, Poet
- Cost/Coste: $10.00
- Time: 9 am – 12 pm
- Register by phone: 616.514.3325 || Register online: Click Here
Join in a prayerful morning walk on the lovely Marywood Campus – contemplate the wonders of God that can be recognized in every piece of the universe. Following the walk we will express the fruits of our contemplation in painting and writing.
Te invitamos a una caminata matinal orando en el encantador espacio de Marywood campus, un tiempo para contemplar las maravillas creadas por Dios que pueden reconocerse en cada trocito del universo. Luego de la caminata orando vamos a expresar los frutos de la oración a través de la pintura y la escritura.
Walking and Praying the Labyrinth – Caminado y orando en el Laberinto Jun 08, 2013
- Presenter: Zulema Moret, Espressive Language Specialist, Spiritual Director, Poet
- Cost/Coste: $10.00
- Time: 2 pm – 5 pm
- Register by phone: 616.514.3325 || Register online: Click Here
A prayerful morning walk on the Marywood campus. After the walk we will express the fruits of our contemplation in painting and writing.
Durante la tarde te invitamos a caminar el laberinto, una antigua práctica de oración que nos conduce a una experiencia profunda de contacto con nuestro ser espiritual. Luego de caminar dedicaremos un tiempo a la oración y a compartir el resultado de dicha experiencia unos con los otros.
Presenter, Zulema Moret, pictured at right, is an Expessive Language Specialist, spiritual director and poet. CLICK HERE to learn more about Zulema.
Dominican Center is located at 2025 Fulton Street East. Parking is free and accessible on Lakeside north of Fulton Street. (See map at right).
For more information or to register, call 616.514.3325. You can also register online through the links above or go to the open program page at:
submitted: RSteers, DCM