New organization Thrive has just joined the Grand Rapids nonprofit scene to serve refugees in the area. Find out more as Jessica Gladden shares the origins of the organization.
The Rapidian's Nonprofits section features stories written directly by local nonprofits about their work. These stories reflect their perspectives, not The Rapidian's editorial voice.
Catalyst Radio is the weekly public affairs radio program of Community Media Center, with producer and host Linda Gellasch, along with Denise Cheng. The program is a feature of WYCE and The Rapidian and includes interviews with organizations and people working on social change and community support, examines media and free speech issues, and takes a look at the behind-the-scenes of Rapidian reporting. You can catch it on air at noon every Friday on WYCE 88.1 FM or streaming on the Grand Rapids Community Media Center Website.
Past Catalyst Radio episodes are archived on The Rapidian.
Don't have time to listen right now? Download the episode and listen at your leisure.
New organization Thrive has just joined the Grand Rapids nonprofit scene to serve refugees in the area. Find out more as Executive Director Jessica Gladden explains the federal allocation of resources for refugees and how Thrive plans to expand beyond that baseline, starting with just a couple thousand dollars in seed funding.
Music this week is by the Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars.
Unlimited data packages dwindling among major cell phone service providers
Verizon is the third major cell phone carrier to stop offering an unlimited data package. The unlimited data package has been key for smartphone users to access apps and services on the Internet. The decision went into effect earlier this week. Of the major carriers, only Sprint still carries an unlimited data package.
[More: NYT's Gadgetwise, Gizmodo]
News broadcasters partner with mobile app company to map out traffic
In anticipation of a freeway shutdown, a local television station in Los Angeles has partnered to map out traffic patterns during the two-day freeze. Waze, a company that makes navigation apps for smartphones, will help KABC track traffic on alternative routes and side streets.
[More: NYT's Bits]
State deems cursive outdated
In Indiana, cursive is being abandonned statewide as part of elementary education. While individual school districts can still teach cursive if they choose, officials say that the computer and Internet has made cursive outdated and it is more important for students to learn keyboard skills.
[More: KTLA]
U.S. president convenes first Twitter town hall
Earlier this week was a much anticipated town hall on Twitter with Barack Obama. To date, Obama has held town halls on YouTube and Facebook. The one-hour Twitter town hall lasted for about an hour and centered around budget cuts.
[More: GigaOm]
CALENDAR (26:08)
Comic to talk about career lessons
Saturday, July 9 at 1 p.m. at Grand Rapids Public Library (111 Library NE)
Local illustrator Scott Rosema will talk about his experience as a comic artist for The Muskegon Chronicle as well as his other experiences in the field at the public library. Prior to that is a comic swap at the library's main branch.
Carillon performances all of July
Noon every Wednesday in July at the downtown GVSU campus
Every Wednesday in July, Grand Rapidians can hear the music of the bells performed by internationally renowned carilloneurs on Grand Valley State University's downtown campus. Performances start at noon.
Second annual Network Neighborhood Bash
Saturday, July 16 from 2-11 p.m. on Atlas SE
The Network will be holding its second annual network neighborhood bash and will have many entertainers and performers.
A core service of the Grand Rapids Community Media Center