Catalyst Radio: Paschka's audio and community interests lead him to WYCE

December 19, 2014 5:45 pm

After serving with two Grand Rapids arts organizations, AJ Paschka finds that being the new station manager of WYCE is a natural progression.

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For this last episode of Catalyst Radio for 2014, we sit down with WYCE’s new station manager, AJ Paschka. 

Joining WYCE after work in the nonprofit community with Grand Rapids Art Museum and Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts, Paschka talks art and Grand Rapids as a community, as well as about his deep interest in the audio realm specifically. He will also discuss some of the creative and collaborative projects of WYCE, and look a bit to the future and where the station is heading in 2015.



Music in this edition of Catalyst Radio comes from the band Tycho. Off of the Ann Arbor record label Ghostly International, it’s the disc Awake, featuring the song “Montana.”