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Call For Entries for A/Political: A Radical Art Exhibition




A/Political is a show that embraces diverse socio-political challenges and critiques the binary opposition between “the political” and “the apolitical”. It aims to witness the political in mundane acts, such as washing the dishes, planting a garden or talking with a friend or a stranger. It aims to see the personal in the grandiose world of politics, through the suffering of the disfigured victim of a drone strike, the disillusionment of the soldier, or the equality of the politician with those she or he theoretically represents. A/Political is meant as direct action, calling on artists to participate directly in local democracy, using art as a form of free speech, and to become creatively involved in designing a more radically egalitarian world.

Interested artists may submit proposals for two-dimensional works (paintings, prints, photographs, mixed media, etc.), three dimensional works, installation-based works and short writings/poetry. Be sure to include the dimensions of your piece with your submission. Keep in mind that space might be limited due to the amount of work selected. All proposals must be submitted to [email protected] by September 23, 2013. The exhibition will be held at Dinderbeck Studios on October 19.

Don’t be afraid to be creative and/or subtle. This is not a propaganda show. It is a show about the freedom of thought and expression, a necessary tool in the subversion of oppressive tendencies, both personal and political.

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