ArtPrize A-B-C, Easy as 1-2-3

September 20, 2011 6:42 pm

Love it or hate it or just not sure about it, ArtPrize is here. Take the most of the opportunity and talk about art, talk to artists, talk with each other: The Rapidian provides the platform.

As I write this, it's the eve of ArtPrize Eve. My life-and many of yours- will be all ArtPrize, all the time for the next few weeks. I'm going to admit it: I was pretty happy at the prospect of living and breathing art for 19 straight days.

Now, I know that some of us are not excited about it. Some of us are ambivelent. Some... well, it's a stronger word than that. And that's cool. I'm willing to bet we've got something else in common. My feelings won't be hurt. In fact, I could probably learn a lot from you.

No matter how we feel about the event in front of us, we have to admit: ArtPrize will be, in some form or another, a part of everyone's life here in Grand Rapids. We will find ourselves in conversations with people who don't normally talk to us about art. We will hear rumors, we will get sucked into the excitement, we will end up rooting for a certain piece in the competition that captures our fancy.


We should talk about all of that.


To provide a place where all of the conversation can happen, we've got a special page you can visit to join in and make your own contribution. There will be highlighted stories, Flickr feed slideshows, a feed of all the stories tagged with #ArtPrize2011, and more.

On this page, we'll have three special columns, or what I'm referring to as ArtPrize A-B-C:

A.  Art with a Capital A: Reviews, critiques, and discussions about art.

Want to talk about how ArtPrize has changed you, or how you wish it would change? Want to learn theories about art, read real art criticism, learn a new word or two and have fun doing it? Art with a Capital A should fit that bill.

Join the art beat.

B.  Beyond the Reboot: Interviews with artists, curators and venue managers.  

Interested to learn how artists create their work? Curious how a curator or a venue manager decides what to include in a show? Want to see videos of artwork creation? Beyond the Reboot will give us further conversations about art, with those who are making it and sharing it with us.

Sneak a look at the kinds of questions our reporters are asking.

C.  Capture- Art or Kitsch? Picturesque this falls asks you to capture art, create kitsch, or play with the lines in-between. 

Want to distill down past words and get to images? Looking to have fun with art and kitsch, and all the blurry lines in between the two? We've got a gallery full of photos that are playing with just that. This fall's Picturesque series is in Capture, Art or Kitsch? 

Take a peek.


Now that you know what those three columns have waiting for you, how can you get involved? Well that's easy as 1-2-3:

1:  Add an article and tag it "artprize2011" and it will show up on our special feature page for ArtPrize 2011. If you've got questions and need help, talk to your mentor or send an email to our editor. They're looking forward to helping you speak up, whether it be including a one minute video, sharing a series of photos, or talking about art theories and criticism. No matter what you want to say and how you want to say (within the boundaries of truth and civility of course), there's a way to say it on The Rapidian. 

Not a reporter yet? Get the hook-up here.

2:  Share your photos in Picturesque and Flickr. You can add anything whatsoever having to do with ArtPrize to our flickr pool and tag it artprize. This will not only add your images to the community conversation, it will provide much-needed images for our reporters as Flickr pool photos are a way of creating our own "creative commons" resources for our reporters. You can also jump in to the Art or Kitsch? gallery and feature your captures there: not only pictures of ArtPrize, Art or Kitsch? encourages you to try your hand at getting creative with your own photos.

Not a user yet? No problem-get yourself started here.

3:  Talk back. That's right, we want you to comment on what our reporters are saying. Let's get real. Let's be courteous but let's be honest. Let's dare to ask questions and make suggestions and add to the community's perceptions by adding our own.

Wondering what our policies are on what you can say? It's pretty simple: be yourself, be nice.

So there you have it. ArtPrize: the conversation starts with A-B-C, and it's as easy as 1-2-3. 


Oh. One more thing: George wants me to remind you to tag your articles with "artprize2011" and your photos in our Flickr pool with "artprize." He'll be ever so grateful. 

Okay, that's all. Now go. Converse. Get talking!


Join the conversation.