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Alejandro Ruiz se acuerda de como un amor inspiró su carrera artística

Submitted 11-12-2014 under NONPROFITS

Alejandro Ruiz comparte como él comenzó a dibujar y su experiencia viviendo aquí en el vecindario de la Avenida Grandville.


Story Matters: Alejandro Ruiz recalls how crush started drawing career

Submitted 11-12-2014 under NONPROFITS

Alejandro Ruiz shares how he started drawing and his experience living in the Grandville Avenue neighborhood.


Window Wonderland Competition to light up downtown for holiday season

Submitted 11-11-2014 under NEWS

Holiday window displays will light up downtown in the second annual Window Wonderland Competition.


GRAM exhibit "Marks of Genius" reveals how artists think

Submitted 11-11-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

This exhibition of drawings is a deep collection of master works that span the middle ages to contemporary art thoughtfully organized in such a way to allow the viewer a thorough understanding of what drawing can be.


Story Matters: Antonio Jaimes Bautista loves to dance

Submitted 11-07-2014 under NONPROFITS

Antonio Jaimes Bautista shares how he started dancing and its impact on his life.


Antonio Jaimes Bautista le encanta bailar

Submitted 11-07-2014 under NONPROFITS

Antonio Jaimes Bautista comparte de como él comenzó a bailar y el impacto en su vida.


Sandra Diaz se acuerda de cómo se involucró en el Cook Arts Center

Submitted 11-07-2014 under NONPROFITS

Sandra Díaz habla de cómo se sintió cuando vino a los Estados Unidos y como ella comenzó a hacer voluntario al Cook Arts Center.


Story Matters: Sandra Diaz recalls how she first became involved at Cook Arts Center

Submitted 11-07-2014 under NONPROFITS

Sandra Diaz explains how she felt when she first came to the USA and how she began volunteering at the Cook Arts Center.


Community input shapes direction of GoSite implementation plan

Submitted 11-04-2014 under PLACE-MATTERS

The public feedback gathered during the Pop Up phase helped create a more informed human-centered design


The Rapidian to host fall photowalk through Heritage Hill, Night Out at Cottage Bar

Submitted 11-04-2014 under NONPROFITS

On Wednesday, November 12, join fellow photogs, novice and pro, in The Rapidian's Fall Photo Walk, then warm up while you support The Rapidian at our Night Out at the Cottage Bar.

