Circle Theatre's Aladdin receives mixed reviews, favorable recommendations from Press Club

August 9, 2013 5:07 pm

The Andy Angelo Press Club watch the play Aladdin and offer their reviews.

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Edgar, Age 10

In the Circle Theatre of Aquinas College, a play called “Aladdin” was held. The story of Aladdin was very interesting in my opinion. I repeat, the story of Aladdin was very entertaining. It took place in the desert. The main characters of the story were Aladdin, the Uncle, Aladdin’s mom, and triplet genies. The Uncle faked being Aladdin’s uncle. He took Aladdin to this dark cave filled with riches.

The part that I liked the best was when they brought in the FOOD!!!! The Genie of the ring came into the cave as Aladdin had touched the riches even though the Genie of the ring had told him not to. She granted one wish to Aladdin. But though he said he wanted riches and gold, instead of that the Genie of the ring gave him FOOD!!

Aladdin’s goal was to marry the princess, but he couldn’t because the princess was going to marry somebody else. He protected the princess from the EVIL fake uncle by not letting her drink the poisoned drink. 

The play had many props in the stage, such as gold, bronze, steel, emerald and diamonds. The actors performed very well, but they didn't use the right people for the right characters. For example, Aladdin was supposed to be a boy not a woman. All the actors were women doing parts of men. The costumes were really well designed. I would recommend this play to families. 


Antonio, Age 13

On Thursday July 27, 2013, we went to Aquinas College to see a play in the Circle Theater. The play was called “Aladdin.”

In my opinion, the play could have been a bit better if they would have switched the scenes and changed some props. It would have been more intriguing.

The play started with about ten princesses in the same room. They were all awaiting for the vizier to pick who would be his wife. All of the princesses had spent a moonlight dinner with the vizier. They all started arguing about who was going to be the vizier’s wife, but then one princess made a suggestion so everyone could get along. She wanted to tell the story of Aladdin. The whole play happened in the same area, but like I said, the play would have been more interesting if they had changed scenes.

Overall, I give this play a 9/10. This play is one of the best, well-acted plays of Aladdin I have ever seen. Keep up the good work Aquinas!


Shirley, Age 10

The lights dimmed as the play, “Aladdin,” slowly began...

A Middle Eastern song played while the princesses were in a rage. They were wearing Middle Eastern dresses. As the princesses were waiting for the vizier to choose the right princess to marry, they decided to make a play. All of the actors were women. Although the actor playing Aladdin was a woman, she played him very well.

After that scene, they met Aladdin's "uncle" (the uncle was a magician that tricked the mom into thinking that he was the uncle). He charmed the mom, so he could take Aladdin. The uncle took him to the Cave of Wonders. The Cave of Wonders was a castle that had a lamp and riches. The main thing Aladdin had to find was the lamp. The uncle was scared, so he ran away and left Aladdin in the Cave of Wonders with a ring. Aladdin was scared too, so he used the ring to get out of the Cave of Wonders. In the ring was the Genie of the Ring. She asked Aladdin what was his wish.

Aladdin discovered that the lamp had three wishes, but to hear the rest of the story, you should watch the play at the Circle Theater. 

In my opinion, the play “Aladdin” was somewhat funny and too girly. I would recommend it to ages 4-9.


Avelycia, Age 13

On June 27, 2013, we went to Aquinas College to go see “Aladdin The Musical.” If you watched the play yourself, you would have gotten to experience many things. How princesses came a long way to marry this handsome prince, where princesses come from, what they represent, and more! That is what I experienced.

After everybody got seated, the play began, and we got to see this midway-hall-like decoration, like Taj Mahal, and Egyptian dressed girls (three of them were triplets) moping around. One started yelling at this head mistress about when the guy was coming out. Turns out all of them are princesses and want to marry the prince. They got bored and started bragging about their gifts. One of the gifts reminded the girl about Aladdin. They decided to re-enact the whole thing in the treasure room. After all that, they realized they should follow their own dreams.

From my perspective, I liked how the princesses explained themselves. I liked how the girls dressed well to their role and how they added older women to do the adult parts, not just other young people.

What I didn’t like was how it was a re-enactment. Like, it’s “Aladdin,” not “Aladdin: The Re-enactment.” I didn’t like how the scene was only the treasure room. Why didn’t they put a decent scene? Oh yeah, it was a re-enactment. The final thing I disliked was how the people, directors and play writers didn’t tell who won the king’s heart.

I’ll rate this play 3 out of 5 stars, because it wasn’t completely satisfying. But it had me surprised at times. A tip for them: have a guy do a guy part and a girl do a girl part, please. Other than that, the acting was pretty good! Can’t wait to see another!