Local products sold at Tree Huggers
Some of the local farms and companies carried by Tree Huggers:
Some of the local farms and companies carried by Tree Huggers:
Tree Huggers will close its doors this Sunday, September 8, culminating in a farewell party that starts at 6 p.m. The decision was announced on Facebook last week by owner Angela Topp.
"This has been hands down the best three years of my life as I got the chance to get to know so many of you and help you live greener lives," Topp wrote on Tree Huggers' Facebook page. While Topp is sad to close the store, expenses were too overwhelming for the little shop.
"I am sure there are a lot of things I could have done differently but I am so so proud of everything we have done in these past three years," Topp continued in her farewell post.
Brewery Vivant will be donating a keg to the farewell party, and party-goers are encouraged to bring vegan food.
Topp opened the Grand Rapids location at 947 Wealthy S.E. in August of 2011. In May of 2012, Topp successfully transitioned from retail store into a package-free bulk grocery funded through a Kickstarter campaign.
The waste-free grocery encourages patrons to bring in their own jars and bags to reduce packaging waste. Topp also expanded the store to include a recycling center accepting items not allowed in curbside recycling, worm bins for composting and Sunday night classes with cooking demos utilizing the food carried in store.
Tree Huggers will continue to take bulk orders this week. They will remain open for business through the weekend. Information on the farewell party can be found on their Facebook event page here.
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I'm very sad to hear this. I really like Treehuggers. I didn't realize they had worm bins. I've tried vermicomposting, but always have problems with fruit flies (and I have really tried, multiple time, freezing and not freezing beforehand). We definitely need more composting opportunities like restaurant composting or neighborhood composting.