Top Voted Articles
(4) See you again
And here's where I'm grateful: When it comes to The Rapidian, I don't need to wait ten years to know what I will remember down the road.
(4) Child labor unfair
This article is one in a series discussing immigration issues through artwork and words, through the eyes of a student.
(4) Food truck debate put on hold
The Grand Rapids Planning Commission considered an ordinance regarding mobile food vendors such as now-trendy food trucks. The decision has been tabled until April.
(4) 2011 from a local politico's eyes
If you didn't know what a "funicular" was before this year, you should know now. The unique addition to John Ball Zoo is just one of many things making headlines in local government thi...
(4) Urban market comes to Heartside
After two years, plans for a year-round urban market are finally becoming a reality.
(4) Celebration Cinema ready to build downtown
60,000 sq.ft. proposal would mean more than just movies for the downtown area.
(4) Community Media Center competes for up to $250,000 in national funding competition
Chase Community Giving is offering up $5M to charities around the country-and the recipients are determined by public vote! Please vote for the Community Media Center now to help us win funding.
(4) What do you see: Still Point by Gwendolyn Terry at High Five
I started off my first official ArtPrize night at High Five, and spent my entire evening there. Terry's site-specific installation was what I saw, first and last.
(4) La Leche League of Grand Rapids remembers longtime leader
Members of La Leche League of Grand Rapids gather to remember recently deceased leader Juliet Kauffman