Top Voted Articles

(4) See you again

And here's where I'm grateful: When it comes to The Rapidian, I don't need to wait ten years to know what I will remember down the road.

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(4) Child labor unfair

This article is one in a series discussing immigration issues through artwork and words, through the eyes of a student.

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(4) Food truck debate put on hold

The Grand Rapids Planning Commission considered an ordinance regarding mobile food vendors such as now-trendy food trucks. The decision has been tabled until April.

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(4) 2011 from a local politico's eyes

If you didn't know what a "funicular" was before this year, you should know now. The unique addition to John Ball Zoo is just one of many things making headlines in local government thi...

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(4) Urban market comes to Heartside

After two years, plans for a year-round urban market are finally becoming a reality.

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(4) Celebration Cinema ready to build downtown

60,000 sq.ft. proposal would mean more than just movies for the downtown area.

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(4) Community Media Center competes for up to $250,000 in national funding competition

Chase Community Giving is offering up $5M to charities around the country-and the recipients are determined by public vote! Please vote for the Community Media Center now to help us win funding.

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(4) What do you see: Still Point by Gwendolyn Terry at High Five

I started off my first official ArtPrize night at High Five, and spent my entire evening there. Terry's site-specific installation was what I saw, first and last.

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(4) La Leche League of Grand Rapids remembers longtime leader

Members of La Leche League of Grand Rapids gather to remember recently deceased leader Juliet Kauffman

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