9 AM-5 PM
Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church
1440 Quarry Ave NW
Grand Rapids MI 49504
This action-packed workshop is intended for songwriters of all skill levels! Whether you’re a never-wrote-a-line-before beginner or an advanced bardic geniuses, the opportunities to learn are limitless. We will have many activities, including brainstorming; free-write; and word-association, to demonstrate songwriting styles and come up with new ideas. There will also be two small group critique sessions lead by Julia and guest instructors. The workshop will culminate with voluntary performances by workshop participants (a capella and instrumental performances are both perfectly fine). There will be an hour break for lunch (not provided) and breaks throughout to work on assignments and follow creative threads.
Learn more and register at http://www.heritagetheatregr.org/sing-a-song-of-nothing/
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