GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (October 2, 2023) – Even though the Red Kettles aren’t out yet, it’s not too soon to get ready for the holiday season. The Salvation Army has started their annual Christmas giving Angel Tree program in partnership with WOOD-TV. The program helps provide Christmas gifts for hundreds of thousands of children across the country each year. The application registration period for those in need of assistance opened in Kent County Sunday October 1st and runs through December 8th.
To apply go to
The success of the Angel Tree program relies heavily on community support. Businesses, churches, schools, and organizations may sign up to host an Angel Tree site, collecting toys and gifts for children in their local community.
You can also support Angel Tree by promoting online shopping, making a financial donation, or volunteering. To learn more, go to and click on the Angel Tree banner. Or contact your local Salvation Army for more information.
Last year The Salvation Army of Kent County distributed 13, 868 toys to nearly 4,000 children and expects to help even more families this year. This is the 33rd year that WOOD-TV and the Salvation Army have partnered to help thousands of children in West Michigan.
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