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National Salvation Army Week Begins May 13th

This dispatch was added by one of our Nonprofit Neighbors. It does not represent the editorial voice of The Rapidian or Community Media Center.

The Salvation Army in Kent County is celebrating its 140th Anniversary May 13-19 during National Salvation Army Week.

Learn more about how The Salvation Army may be able to help you.

Attend The Salvation Army in Grand Rapids Open House on May 19th.

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (May 6, 2024) – The Salvation Army in Kent County is celebrating its 140th Anniversary May 13-19 during National Salvation Army Week.

The first Salvation Army in the entire State of Michigan was established in Grand Rapids 140 years ago. And in 1884, the Grand Rapids Citadel Band was the first commissioned band in the entire United States.

At 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 19th former bandmembers will come to West Michigan to participate in a homecoming concert at The Salvation Army Fulton Heights Citadel and Community Center.  An open house and silent auction will also be held at 2:00 p.m. “No other Salvation Army Brass Band in the United States has as long a history as the one in Grand Rapids,” said Corps Officer Major Maureen Diffley. “National Salvation Army week also gives us an opportunity to provide more information about our services. Most people aren’t aware of everything we do.”

“Most people think The Salvation Army in Kent County only helps those in need during the holiday season” said Grand Valley Area Commander Major Tim Meyer. “For us, the goal is to let Kent County residents know about our programs that can help them year-round.”

During the Open House, some of the services that will be highlighted with experiences for participants to take part in include:

  • The Salvation Army seniors’ program which has been assessed and approved by the Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan
  • Youth archery program
  • The Salvation Army's SATERN (Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network) program. A globally recognized group of operators that provides necessary communication to and from disaster sites around the world.
  • And much more

Historical information will also be available during the week, including a WWI exhibit - featuring free donuts while they last. The community is urged to attend, and all events are free of charge.

For a full schedule of events and a list of silent auction items go to

About National Salvation Army Week

National Salvation Army Week was established by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1954, nearly 100 years after The Salvation Army was established in London, England. Each year, National Salvation Army Week serves as an opportunity to celebrate The Salvation Army’s volunteers, donors and program beneficiaries who have enabled the nonprofit to serve in the United States since the mid-1800’s.



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