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Dyer-Ives founder John R. Hunting reflects on 50 years of Kent County poetry

Submitted 05-31-2018 under LOCAL LIFE

Though the Dyer-Ives foundation closed its doors in 2016, the poetry competition it sponsored continues to recognize excellence in Kent County poets.


Father's Day Electronics Recycling Event at Comprenew

Submitted 05-29-2018 under NONPROFITS

In celebration of Father's Day, Comprenew is inviting families to come dismantle electronics for recycling and learn more about the hazards of e-waste.


New show 'Space School' coming to public museum's planetarium

Submitted 05-15-2018 under NONPROFITS

Beginning Saturday, June 16, 2018 at the Grand Rapids Public Museum’s Chaffee Planetarium, Space School, will feature astronauts training underwater for working in space.


Lass Laugh Comedy Festival makes its debut this month

Submitted 05-03-2018 under NEWS

Kristin Hirsch thought up the idea of Lass Laugh, and Amy Gascon believed in this vision and wanted to help bring it to light. The community for Lass Laugh started building long before opening night.


Screening of 'Nor Any Drop to Drink: The Flint Water Crisis' in Grand Rapids

Submitted 04-17-2018 under NONPROFITS

The documentary will be shown Thursday, April 19 at 6 p.m. at Kindschi Hall of Science (KHS), Grand Valley University, Allendale Campus. This is an opportunity for Grand Rapids to learn more about the Flint Water Crisis and engage around issues of environmental justice.


Spring brings opportunities to support local, independent radio

Submitted 04-17-2018 under PLACE-MATTERS

WYCE's Spring Fund Drive begins Friday, April 20, 2018 and is followed by a programmer training orientation and the National Federation for Community Broadcasters Midwest Summit.


Eighth annual Grand Rapids Latin American Film Festival held at Wealthy Theatre

Submitted 04-09-2018 under LOCAL LIFE

Directors Gustavo Rondon and Catalina Mesa speak on behalf of their films and the festival as a whole, as well as it's crucial importance to the community.


Creative Youth Center publishes seventh anthology

Submitted 04-04-2018 under NONPROFITS

Anna Geurkink sits down with Executive Director Kristin Brace of Grand Rapids Creative Youth Center.


Cameron Esposito joins LaughFest 2018 to talk about the importance of honest conversation and laughter

Submitted 03-02-2018 under LOCAL LIFE

"I don't think we have gotten to a place where we can talk about community as it really is." Cameron Esposito talks about community.


Delta Program encourages teen boys to tell their stories, learn from community leaders

Submitted 02-27-2018 under PLACE-MATTERS

On Friday, February 9, 2018, teachers, community members and a film production crew worked with boys in the juvenile justice system to produce a series of interviews, exploring what it means to grow into adulthood in hopes of expanding their visions of what's possible in their futures.

