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Financial Management & Budgeting

Tuesday, December 06, 2016

9 AM–12 PM

Johnson Center for Philanthropy

201 Front Ave SW
Grand Rapids MI 49504

How financially competent is your organization? Does your board pay active attention to finance and understand financial reports? Do you have the appropriate checks and balances to maintain financial integrity?

Julie Couturier (CPA), the Johnson Center’s accountant and lead financial management consultant, will lead participants through an interactive workshop on the basics of nonprofit financial management. Participants will better understand budgets, reporting and audits, and the board’s role in financial oversight.

Key concepts will include:

  • Tips for audit preparation
  • Understanding internal controls
  • Applying financial analysis to organizational and programmatic functions

Cost: $60
(Free for GVSU students/staff)

Register online:

Event Type: Lectures 

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